


Get product list

Method: GET
Header: PartnerToken
Header: AccountToken
Format: Json
Max result on page: 1000
Filter: lastupdated, Page

Field Datatype Mandatory / Optional Description
Number string Mandatory The number of the order from external system
Name string Mandatory Wether the order is payed cash or credit
EAN string Optional EAN code for the product
LastUpdate date Mandatory Date for when the product is last updated (Set manually in PAKMAN)


Upload salesorder

Method: POST
Header: PartnerToken
Header: AccountToken
Format: Json

Field Datatype Mandatory / Optional Description
Number string Mandatory The number of the order from external system
PaymentType Enum Cash/Credit Mandatory Wether the order is payed cash or credit
ExternalId string Optional Used if order has ID in external system
BlockingReason string Optional If set, then order cannot be automatically released for delivery
HighPriority Bool True/False Optional Used if articles on this order should be locked to this order
DateCreated Date DD-MM-YYYY Optional Date the order is created in external system
Company string Optional Set if you are running multible companies in PAKMAN, then this field can set to which company the order is related to.
DistributorProduct Enum Optional If set, the value must be equal to value set up in distributor settings on the account
CurrencyCode string Optional If set, the value must be equal to value set up in Currency settings on the account. If not set, then order is by default set in DKK.
Customer Object Mandatory Customer object
Customer/Name string Mandatory Name of the Customer
Customer/Number string Mandatory Customer number
Customer/Street1 string Optional Street name 1 on the customer
Customer/Street2 string Optional Additional address information
Customer/PostalCode string Optional Customers zip or area code
Customer/City string Optional Customer city
Customer/CountryCode string Optional Customer country code
Customer/Phone string Optional Customers phone number
Customer/Email string Optional Customers email
Customer/VAT string Optional Customers vat number if any
DeliveryAddress Object Mandatory Customers delivery address for this order
DeliveryAddress/Name string Mandatory Delivery address name
DeliveryAddress/Street1 string Optional Delivery street information
DeliveryAddress/Street2 string Optional Additional street information
DeliveryAddress/PostalCode string Optional Deliveryaddress postal code
DeliveryAddress/City string Optional Deliveryaddress city
DeliveryAddress/CountryCode Enum Optional Delivery address countryCode code
DeliveryAddress/Phone string Optional Delivery address phone number
DeliveryAddress/Email string Optional Delivery address email
CustomerPONumber string Optional Used if customer has a Purchase order refference to put on the order
CustomerContact string Optional Used if customer has a contact person related to this order
InternalNote string Optional Used if there is something to note internal on this order (Not shown to customer)
ExternalNote string Optional Used if there is something to note external on this order (shown to customer)
DeliveryInstruct string Optional Used if there is an instruction related to the delivery
OrderTotal Decimal Mandatory Monetary total of the order
Tax Decimal Mandatory Monetary tax of the order
LinesTotal Decimal Mandatory Monetary total of line before tax
Lines List of line object Mandatory 1:N Salesorder lines on this order
Lines/CustomerLineRef string Optional Used if customer has a line refference to put on the order line
Lines/SKU string Mandatory Product SKU ordered on this line
Lines/ProductName string Mandatory Product name of the product ordered on this line
Lines/LineTotal Decimal Mandatory Monetary total of line before tax
Lines/QuantityOrdered int Mandatory Quantity ordered on this line
Lines/UnitPrice Decimal Mandatory Monetary unit price of the product
Lines/ExpectedDeliveryDate Date DD-MM-YYYY Optional Date we expect to deliver this product
Lines/Discount Decimal Optional Monetary discount given. This value is to be specified pr. unit and not line total


Get stock

Method: GET
Header: PartnerToken
Header: AccountToken
Format: Json

Field Datatype Mandatory / Optional Description
ProductNumber string Mandatory The product number
ProductName string Mandatory The product name
Quantity int Mandatory The sum of stock accross all warehouses and locations
Stocks Object Optional List of all stocks registred on the warehouse. In case product is registred on two different locations, then two different objets will occur in the list
Stocks/Quantity int Mandatory The quantity on the location
Stocks/WarehouseNumber string Mandatory Warehouse number the stock is located on
Stocks/WarehouseName string Mandatory Warehouse name the stock is located on
Stocks/Location string Mandatory Location the stock is located on

Update Stock

upload stock corrention

Method: POST
Header: PartnerToken
Header: AccountToken
Format: Json

Field Datatype Mandatory / Optional Description
Quantity int Mandatory Quantity to update. Minus in front if you want to decrease stock, and plain if you want to increase
WarehouseNumber string Optional The warehouse number in PAKMAN on which you want to update stock. Can be left blank if you are not running multible warehouse
LocationNumber string Optional The location number in PAKMAN on which you want to update stock. Can be left blank if you are not using location management
Reason string Mandatory The reason for the update... Is written to the product log